Reducing Sri Lanka’s carbon footprint. Building a sustainable economy.

Our goal is to help cut industries´ greenhouse gas emissions by 7 per cent by 2030


Working with government, industries and energy experts to establish and implement a system to measure and report industrial greenhouse gas emissions and track emissions reductions.
Helping stakeholders develop, promote and implement policies and regulatory measures, with the goal of attracting investment in low-carbon technologies.
Building the capacity within industry on climate change mitigation practices, while testing new technologies designed to save energy and reduce GHG emissions.
Working with financial institutions and industries to design financing options and prepare bankable proposals that will incentivize investing in low-carbon technologies.
Husni Salieh CEO, Noyon Lanka First Movers

Sri Lanka's
First Movers

Leadership in action

A successful clean industrial transformation requires vision, determination, and exceptional leadership. Sri Lanka’s ‘First Movers’ embody these qualities, and this campaign highlights and amplifies their efforts in transitioning to a renewable-powered sector focused on energy and material efficiency.

Sri Lanka's
Energy Savers

Every transformational story needs people who will take on a challenge, run with it and make change happen. Sri Lanka’s Energy Savers are exactly that: courageous industry leaders and energy practitioners determined to help the country to slash industries’ energy waste and GHG emissions.

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